Thursday 31 January 2008

Feedback From Animatic

Some guy thought that our title was not symmetrical at the end when the word "BETRAYAL' Dan swanton

Pete said it was fantastic and he couldnt ask for more.

the titles were too small apparently.


Wednesday 30 January 2008


This is a Short clip of our Animatic.....


Thursday 24 January 2008

Past student example: Surface.

surface was very good and used a variety of shots we belied that he jumping moving shots worked very good to greate a thriller atmosphere.

One aspect i felt was paticularly effective was the noise at the climax of the sequence, which is a very realistic sound of a knife braking flesh


Feedback to our pitch,

The majority of our class felt that our pitch for our thriller idea was too complicated, although we believe that we can pull it off, in light of hearing the feedback we have taken out some of the shots such as the first shot of a wheel driving in, the reason we did this as we felt that it would take extra time and effort, and would not really be beneficial for us, and for our thriller.

Our class belived our flashback idea was goood although we are having doubts to whether we are going to pursue this idea as it may be to complicated to film and fit into our timescale.

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The back story is of the killer who used to date this women but since then see left him and is now dating a another man. This drives the killer to go crazy and finally ends up in him killing her.

The beginning of the sequence will start with a car pulling up into a forest (car wheel pulling up on a leafy road). You hear the doors open and close and see a pair of feet dragging a body. (same shot) Hear a thud as the body lands in a pit that the killer has already made.

Next will be a shot POV shot of the person in the pit looking up and by putting some perspex plastic on the camera we will gradually fill shot with dirt (killer dropping dirt onto the body in the pit. (There will be short flash backs of the girl thinking of her new boyfriend)

The next main shot will be of the killer back at his house cleaning his bands (you will see a picture of him and the girl that he just berried.

The Titles will come up after this and we will use many effects for them.


Monday 21 January 2008


We have prepared a rough storyboard for our opening sequence, it will be based on someone who is a killer, For the opening sequence we inted to hav someone laying underneath a sheet of perspex as dirt is thrown on top of them simulationg someone being buried. WE are also intending to have the dirt thrown on in sinc with the baking track emphasising when the dirt is being shoved ontop of the person givinbg a very good effect. We will then fade into the first lot of the titles wich will be ontop of a black screen. We will be using crashes between synths - to create some disturbing atmosphere. We will then go into a shot of the killer washing his hands and the blood washing down the sink mabe with titles flowing wih the water. Then there will be ahsot of the killers eyes.

We still are yet to finalise the ideas and we may include and change ideas if we think of better or improved ones


Wednesday 16 January 2008

Final Cut Video.

This is the first video i made, just playing around and getting used to Final Cut.


I am legend opening titles

Here is the video I watched in order to study titles conventiions, a great movie the startinbg section has a very jumpy part when the deers run infront of the car.

They show a small snippit of a news story at the start, which foreshadows the story.


The Start

Before we make our Thirller opening/Title sequence we did some work to get used to the final cut and garageband programs. We made some videos using footage of new york city and we added titles from the the film 'Matchstick men'. After that we added some music that we composed in Garageband.

In Final Cut we learnt how to...

- Layer the videos
- Use fades and trasactions
- Soundtrack and soundwaves
- Get an idea of some of the effects
- Add Titles and Title effects

After final cut we started to look at Garageband and we learnt how to make title soundtracks and also to add as a video track.

We looked at many other openings to thillers and also people brought some films in and talked about them.

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Monday 7 January 2008


This is the first post for Dan,Emile,Adam and Sam.

We hope to do much planning and create a good thriller opening sequence.

There will be many other posts..

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